How much sugar in Rye Flour Doves Farm?

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Brands: Doves Farm, Doves Farm Organic
Quantity: 1 kg

How many small sugar cubes (4g) corresponds to 1 kg of Rye Flour Doves Farm ?
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Use the + buttons to indicate how many small sugar cubes (4g) corresponds to 1 kg of Rye Flour Doves Farm.

Then press the button to check your answer.

Mice love sugar! Use your mouse to grab pieces of sugar and pile them up or throw them in the air as it pleases you.

 small sugar cubes 

Data source

Open Food Facts

The food products data and pictures come from the collaborative, free and open Open Food Facts database. The data is available under the licence Open Database License and the photos are licensed under the licence Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike. The brands quoted are the property of their respective owners.

The database is built in a collaborative way through crowdsourcing (like Wikipedia), it is not possible to guarantee that it does not contain any error. The composition and nutrition facts of food products may also have changed. If you see an error, please let us know so that it can be corrected. You can also correct it yourself on Open Food Facts.


The game "How much sugar?" was created by Stéphane Gigandet. You can contact me at

more info on "How much sugar?"